About Me

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United States
Are we not all on a heroine's or heroe’s journey? It is my younger daughter who first led me into biking, a bit of running and Yoga. As the retirement years approach I now see that I can spend my time in physical sport, a new passion for me, and help people at the same time. For the past two years, I came in first in my age category for the Standard Olympic Triathlon in Farmington, New Mexico ( the first race of my adult life). A native New Mexican, born in Albuquerque, I have lived in several states and abroad but for thirty years have lived Farmington,NM. I have a marvelous husband, three adult children and five grandchildren and many friends who are supporting this cycling venture.

February 17, 2009

President Obama in Phoenix

This afternoon while on our bike ride east of Phoenix I was crossing over Hwy 51 on the pedestrian walkway when I was stopped by a policeman who yelled that I must go back which I did.  President Obama's motorcade was just then passing under us.  Good timing!  I am sure the president is really happy to be here at the same time as we are.  No I did not see the president only vehicles.

It rained a little last night.  The day began with clouds and wet streets. By afternoon we had sun. Amanda has been disappointed that she could not swim in the MacDonald's  pool especially when the sun is shinning.  Amanda put her feet in the water and even her face but at 54 degrees the water was not welcoming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana and David,
I have been following your progress. I was wondering why don't you get a couple of small two way radios so you can keep in touch and not miss each other? They should sell them in many stores and you can get ones with 5 mile range or more. I haven't checked lately but even Walmart use to carry them.
Ron L.