About Me

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United States
Are we not all on a heroine's or heroe’s journey? It is my younger daughter who first led me into biking, a bit of running and Yoga. As the retirement years approach I now see that I can spend my time in physical sport, a new passion for me, and help people at the same time. For the past two years, I came in first in my age category for the Standard Olympic Triathlon in Farmington, New Mexico ( the first race of my adult life). A native New Mexican, born in Albuquerque, I have lived in several states and abroad but for thirty years have lived Farmington,NM. I have a marvelous husband, three adult children and five grandchildren and many friends who are supporting this cycling venture.

February 12, 2009

The mirage of down

Yesterday was a good day for biking with the exception of the mirage, the carrot, the promise of the traffic seeming to be taking a downward slope just up ahead.  It was cold when I left our place by the Colorado river with frost on the grass but with a clear blue sky and the sun was shinning strongly. I happily rode across the Colorado river from California to Arizona losing an hour with the time change. The route took me on Interstate 10, WOW.  The sounds of semi trucks traveling at 75 mph one after the other might be like the sounds of rockets firing one after the other at a firing range.  The grade up was gentle all day but the last 11 miles looked as though the Hwy. would soon take a downward turn, no more hard pedaling.  Ah, but that was an illusion.

At one point I was remembering my habit of counting pedal strokes or counting whatever I am doing to make the time pass.  I reviewed whether I should change my habit by counting instead the cracks in the pavement, or the tiny grasses sneaking their heads up in those cracks to make a home for themselves, or perhaps the pebbles on the pavement, no too many pebbles.  Then  I reflected on the possibility of counting the bushes along the shoulder of the road.  The conclusion was to go back to the tried and true and just count the pedal strokes because surely I would be at the top where the road would then nose downward.  The road did begin to nose downwards as I stopped for the day, but I will be making use of the down today.  Though do not fear, the road will also go up again today for some 500 to 700 feet.

A spectacular find!  Off Interstate 10, four miles down Hwy. 60 is Brenda, AZ, a wide spot in the road for more RV snow birds (don't you just wish you were one), we had dinner at an outdoor place named "Kathy's Restaurant".  Kathy has cooked for fishing vessels in Alaska and a bear photographer. Kathy has bear photos on a board for anyone to admire.  These photos give an opening to conversation.  The food was excellent, I say excellent.  I had a Mexican plate and David had a homemade bratwurst.  We are going back for breakfast.  Whatever we chose will beat our yams and oatmeal.

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