About Me

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United States
Are we not all on a heroine's or heroe’s journey? It is my younger daughter who first led me into biking, a bit of running and Yoga. As the retirement years approach I now see that I can spend my time in physical sport, a new passion for me, and help people at the same time. For the past two years, I came in first in my age category for the Standard Olympic Triathlon in Farmington, New Mexico ( the first race of my adult life). A native New Mexican, born in Albuquerque, I have lived in several states and abroad but for thirty years have lived Farmington,NM. I have a marvelous husband, three adult children and five grandchildren and many friends who are supporting this cycling venture.

February 21, 2009

No accident but cyclist and trailer are grounded for a few days

I have been suffering from a bladder malfunction.  Details not needed here but certainly it is something that needed to be addressed and monitored, and it needs to be better before I return to the road.  One thing is that I have been less bright minded with this problem.  Today on February 21, Friday I am feeling better and have functioned rather well through the day.  I have lost three days now. Boo Hoo!  On the first day we were stopping every twenty minutes or so , on our way to a overnight site with facilities.  I did not shut the trailer door well and it opened and slammed against the trailer becoming bent. Today good news!  Four state park's fellows were good enough to lend a hand and like a miracle in my mind at least the door is like new.  Milton, Rudy and John were the hands on fellow and a park ranger who sent them over.  Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are at the Roper State Park outside of Safford, AZ.  This evening I was able to walk around the lake and saw a flock of yellow winged black birds.  Now I must decide wether or not the red winged black birds are still my favorite or are they sharing that first spot these yellow chested or yellow winged fellows.  We may be out of the Saguaro Cactus area but I would be happy to see more of those fellows.

We are just at a wait and see place or perhaps the waiting place in Dr. Seuss's "Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Thank you to Ron L for the thought about David and I purchasing two walkie talkies.  We have thought about it but the limited range of five miles has stopped us.  We frequently are seven or miles apart with a time and place to meet.  What do you think?

First Presbyterian Church in Farmington is giving us their support and offering a donation. Thank You!!

Thee two breakdowns have been hard on my support person, husband David who wanted me to feel well. He has done well and handled the trailer door problem really, really well!  Yea, David!!!

Wednesday, February 18th was my best day of riding.  Again I had Brian with me or we might say ahead of me.  We biked 33 plus miles in fine weather, not too hot, not too chilly.  Oh, it was great.  I biked back and forth from our cousins' house in Phoenix to make up miles because both David and I are needed to drive through these busy metropolitan areas with entrances and exits of highways here and there with our pickup and trailer.  It just isn't like Farmington.  We aren't in Farmington any more, Dorothy. 

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