About Me

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United States
Are we not all on a heroine's or heroe’s journey? It is my younger daughter who first led me into biking, a bit of running and Yoga. As the retirement years approach I now see that I can spend my time in physical sport, a new passion for me, and help people at the same time. For the past two years, I came in first in my age category for the Standard Olympic Triathlon in Farmington, New Mexico ( the first race of my adult life). A native New Mexican, born in Albuquerque, I have lived in several states and abroad but for thirty years have lived Farmington,NM. I have a marvelous husband, three adult children and five grandchildren and many friends who are supporting this cycling venture.

January 5, 2009

Once again we have had snow today.  At least there is the master's swimming group 2000 yds or 40 laps today, to keep in shape and the college gym, but my body does not seem to have the energy to keep up well with this each day, just now.  I have begun for three days now to take spirulina which helps and am eating well. Need a massage too, am sure, so will have one tomorrow.  I Plan to take a massage each week now before we leave.

Yesterday, I purchased some warm tops for colder weather which I may very well encounter in the mountains east of San Diego or even in Silver City or Las Curces, New Mexico.  When we arrive in Phoenix on the way to San Diego, I will look for biking shoes for you see it was last Wednesday that I found that my yellow, biking shoes are misplaced.  Is this a symbolic gesture?
A week ago on Sunday, December 28 we made the decision that we must make our departure date another week or two into the future.  Originally we planned to leave Farmington on January 14, but it will not work so realistically it looks like we will leave January 27 or 28, 2009.

It is snowing now again, always here just light snow but cold temperatures for us at least.  Our family in Sterling Alasks is looking at  20 or 15 degrees below zero so everything is relative.

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